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Balancing the Budget Deficit
San Francisco is in a huge budget deficit and as we know the "cash only" weed stores are prone to theft coupled with other issues stemming from the current banking system.
DOGE and SHIB (because people need choices, like Visa and Mastercard) can be the solution to these two issues (and everyone should know that a balanced budget solves many more issues...)
The "New Law" supposedly cutting red tape is an actual mandate from SCOTUS (not a direct mandate it is too lengthy to explain here) and the politicians are pretending to take credit for something that SCOTUS decided 9-0 (UNANIMOUSLY) that California must stop with the silly unjustified regulations and high fees associated with the regulations.
The City of San Francisco owns many buildings. The City should build government housing for their 35,000 employees, requiring the employees to live in the City. Having government housing for all government employees is an actual solution that will address the housing crisis.
The City also can turn the government owned property into a Senior living apartment complex (where rents will be $200 a month) and on the main floor /lobby, the boy & girls club can offer Saturday school, where the kids would read with the seniors.

The Navigation Centers need to be converted into a dual Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF) and a California Conservation Corp style job training and education center.
The people living in the ICF will be conserved by the state of the city and no longer conserved until they can prove they can live on their own without the use of illegal drugs and/or their mental illness is no longer keeping them from performing normal daily living activities.
While the CCC, will house the youth and younger adults between 18-35 who are willing to learn and accept jobs in recycling and wildfire prevention.
After graduation, the person must work for either Cal Fire or the new SF recycling department for a minimum of three years.
Psych tech will be part of the street team to make a good assessment if someone needs to be on 5150 and 5250 based on the psych tech opinion who I licensed to do.

I will advocate for recycling plastics. Recycling the 100's of millions of tons of plastic could fund all public transit, provide jobs for the homeless in SF and the obvious clean up of the environment, beaches, oceans, landfills etc. SF could be the first and only city/county in the US that recycles plastics to fund public transit. I will advocate for San Francisco to have their own plastic/ recycling company, and be the leader in helping the environment. San Francisco can turn homeless shelters into a San Francisco California Conservation Corp. run by San Francisco.
Safe and Clean Public Transportation
Too many studies finding drug resistant bacteria on BART's seats. If I win, maybe I can integrate BART police training with SFPD training. Why? Both agencies need massive training to actually serve and protect the public. What happens in and on BART should matter to all of us. Good luck (but only if you make it safe and clean).
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Crime and Solution
Arrest the drug dealers, we must force the drug addicts into Intermediate Care Facilities where they will receive medical treatment for their substance use disorder.
Do you think the BOS should be held liable for the inactions of the police? I believe that things have not been done because the BOS is not transparent and not held liable for the inactions of the police that have allowed the drug dealing (that features undocumented kids as young as 12 years old), prostitution, armed robberies etc. What else kills me is the lack of media attention detailing who are these "open air" drug dealers. Politicians do not act if there is no media attention. The role of the media is to keep the politicians on their toes and not be their cheerleaders (thus creating the need for all government employees to wear body cams and live streaming their tax payer funded work).
Combat Asian Hate: Prevent Violence Against Asian People
Many things need to be done to stop hate crimes against Asians.
"Before I answer this question, I will address why there are attacks on Asians. Asians are the number one demographic in economics and education. We are blamed for not doing our fair share and the criminals see us as easy targets since there are no repercussions and we are portrayed as the 1% "white adjacent group."
As such, both a long term and short term solution needs to be implemented:
A. Long term solutions are fixing the education system and creating opportunities for the youth.
B. Short term solutions are allow Asians to defend themselves with self defense weapons, no criminal prosecution for defending yourself against attackers, make the DA use enhanced penalties for attacking Asians.
Review all of the administrative regulation that violates the Supremacy Clause
Corruption. Administrative policy has been used to usurp the Blacks and Chinese Americans' constructional rights for many decades.
Institutional Racism is the historic practice of any government agency (federal, state or local) or corporation or individual wielding power under state authority for the public benefit or the public convenience the denial of Civil Rights against African-Americans and Chinese-Americans through developing laws and enacting said laws through the administrative process that usurp the 4th Amendment, 5th Amendment, 6th Amendment, 8th Amendment, 13th Amendment, and 14th Amendment in exchange for any type of government benefit (be it financial favor, appointment or any type of state authority for the public benefit or public convenience) not afforded to individuals who do not partake in discriminatory practices.
The City administrative policy has hindered/infringe/ usurp the businesses and the people’s right under the Constitution. For example, the City charges ridiculous fees, admin processes and regulation delaying homeowners /property owners and business owners' right to run their businesses or build and construct on their own property.
Sheetz v El Dorado County is a recent 9-0 SCOTUS decision that obliterates the SF/CA home building process. San Francisco administrative policies and fees make it difficult for people to build homes or small businesses to start or run their businesses. Now the government must address the ridiculous fees, government employees not doing their job in an efficient expeditious manner, etc.
City of Grants Pass v Johnson a 6-3 SCOTUS decision:
The Supreme Court issued its opinion in Grants Pass v. Johnson, which makes it easier for communities nationwide to fine, ticket or arrest people living unsheltered, even when there is no adequate shelter available.
Specifically, the Supreme Court determined that the “cruel and unusual punishment” clause of the Eighth Amendment does not prohibit the City of Grants Pass from enforcing criminal punishments against people who are homeless for camping outside in the City.
As the Court pointed out, there may be other reasons beyond the scope of this case that what Grants Pass was doing to homeless people was unconstitutional or otherwise illegal. These could include violations of the Fourth Amendment (illegal search and seizure), the Fourteenth Amendment (equal protections under law), as well as compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
A solution for San Francisco homeless crisis:
Have people arrest the drug users
People addicted to fentanyl need to be conserved and sent to the ICF, where they will get treatment from real licensed medical doctors and nurses.
The Licensed Psych Techs will ride along with the Police or Fire Department Officers to pick up drug users and mentally ill. Licensed Psych Techs are also trained in group therapy that will benefit SUD and the mentally ill alike. They will put the person on a 5150 hold. Psych tech will be part of the street team to make a good assessment if someone needs to be on 5150 and 5250 based on the psych tech opinion who are licensed to do so. Once they are in the ICF, they have to prove that the conservatee can handle his or her own affairs.
End Fentanyl Crisis
Make the police arrest anyone who sells drugs including Fentanyl in the City. Make the DA Prosecutors should do their job and prosecute the criminal and turn the criminals over to ICE. The DA has to step up to arrest drug dealers if they don’t I will put everyone on blast who doesn’t.
Argument for Doge and Shib
Advocate to make Dogecoin and Shiba Inu the only currency allowed to buy weed at the weed dispensaries in San Francisco. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT LEGAL OR FINANCIAL ADVICE. THIS IS JUST A POLITICAL IDEA TO HELP D3 and SF in general. Why would making DOGE and SHIB be a bad idea? Please be detailed. Before you do, let me explain. I like this idea for the following reasons.
1. By going cashless and switching to Doge or Shib, it solves all the banking issues since weed is federally illegal. Credit card companies are not allowed to provide services either.
2. The practice of police confiscating cash from armored vehicles will end. (These cops will give it to the Feds, then the Feds will investigate, keep 20% of the cash and return 80% of that cash to the police agency. Legal robbery justified to meet budget shortfalls in California)
3. End all attempts of street robbery from people looking for cash.
4. The infrastructure for using Doge and Shib exists. It is as easy as going to Chuck E. Cheese if not easier. Dispensaries can use the same "ATM" like machines in their stores to make credit card purchases of SHIB or DOGE. Like Chuck E. Cheese, you'll get a card with whatever amount of tokens you purchased. You then use that SHIB, DOGE token card and make purchases of the weed of your choice.
5. San Francisco can simply charge a 15% flat tax (which includes the state tax, so everyone is happy) to the DOGE and SHIB point of sale systems that all weed dispensaries will have to use.
6. An investment opportunity that can be life changing for so many will be available. If SF decides to invest $8 million in DOGE and SHIB now, and then creates a real world application for these tokens, it will 100X that investment thus solving the $800 million dollar deficit.
7. This can apply to individual investors too. By doing this, regular, non connected people can also 100X their investment. I heard of this politician, that wrote laws regarding Mastercard and Visa. That politician bought a lot of stock in Visa days before the law came out and did very well. We can do the same for all the people.
8. This will be scaled throughout California making the investment (POTENTIALLY) 100xing from the initial 100x I really want to hear everyone's thoughts on this. There are a lot of weed dispensaries in District 3 and these shops with the security etc...It is not normal. Liquor stores on the other hand are inviting looking with no security ushering you inside
People are elected specifically to preserve or develop neighborhoods. That means if the people elect me to preserve North Beach or Chinatown to stop you from building higher than the already agreed upon 40', I will do just that. The elected officials in the government has every right to preserve the historic nature of our classic neighborhoods. Do the people in Chinatown. Russian Hill or Telegraph Hill hill have the right to say "don't put a weed dispensary in my neighborhood?" The answer is yes. Why? Because certain types of businesses are zoned to be in certain areas.
You must know that strip clubs are not allowed in all neighborhoods. You must know that you can't have a dive bar right across the street from a public school. Now, what I think you meant to say is that the government has no right to tell a private business owner that he must build housing on top of his business, which is very true. San Francisco has become a city that has ignored the Supremacy Clause located in the US Constitution (which is what I think you meant to write). And as such, they have destroyed small businesses, big businesses are leaving and building of housing has became ridiculously expensive due to overreach of the elected politician. If I ran your group (and I do not) I would focus on getting accountability from every single government employee (not just the police and politicians). I would also focus on making the BOS directly responsible for the actions or inactions of all government employees. The BOS must have direct oversight of their employees and stop passing the buck to other entities or bureaucrats or non-profits etc. I think you get the point. The BOS overreaches their authority because no one will hold them accountable. Solution: Use recent 9-0 SCOTUS decisions to hold the BOS and government employees accountable or elect me to D3 (because I will do everything in my power to make every aspect of SF government transparent).
Transparency: 100% Transparency for every aspect of the Government: I will argue for Bodcams
I will fight for transparency in our government due to known recent corruptions.
One solution is to have all government employees wear body cams including the Board of Supervisor (BOS). Body cams would reduce waste and increase accountability. It works for the police and it will work for all government employees. There is no expectation of privacy when you are a government employee (except for potty brakes). This report clearly shows how we can provide employee housing on SF owned property too. Here is my expectation for the Dept of Public Works and how I would explain it to them. "I expect every project to be completed below budget and faster than predicted. If it happens within the budget and on time, that is acceptable and will be considered below the norm. There will be no more tooting your horn for completing your jobs as expected. Look at the police, they could do their job correctly 99.9% of the time and if I catch them slipping on that .1%, I will drop the biggest hammer on them. Why? Mistakes cost lives. The same goes for you at DPW. Your mistakes cost lives too. Differently but equally impactful on the people who live and visit San Francisco." I do not understand fully why we do not buy from out of state vendors that charge a small fraction for the materials. That "cost of steel" excuse is unacceptable. We need 100% transparency from every aspect of the government.
They use unconstitutional authorities to force private entities to build the most expensive "affordable" housing known to mankind. If elected, I will end this practice because I see things as they are and not be fooled by random corruption newsworthy stories. (It is newsworthy but doesn't expose the truth regarding administrative processes on how unelected bureaucrats love abusing their authority as they give up their duty/responsibility to the public. Then these lazy bureaucrats will give their responsibilities to the non-profits that mean well but can't afford the appropriate staff to take on the elected responsibilities of the government. Think about this: SF has 35,500 employees. All 60 departments have combined 35,500 employees. Now look at the entire Santa Clara County. They have 30,000 employees (and San Jose has half the cops as SF) Do you really believe that 35,500 people are so unskilled and untrained that they can't treat the mentally ill on the streets? Or the over 2,000 cops can't stop people from using drugs in public...? As long as we have issues, the people will think that we need MORE STAFF and MORE NONPROFITS to help the overburdened government. San Jose has half the crime and half the staff...When crime goes down, people get laid off. Just like a public school. If they do well, they get less funding and if they do poorly, they get more funding... I will address that too. I will make every school perform equally well regardless of their home situation (as long as I can get a 20% tax break to STEM companies for their assistance that will cost us nothing) This is not rocket science. My response to your post can go on for 30 more pages but I hope you understand what I am saying.
Worker's Rights
Until the DA's office prosecutes and sends people to jail for violating PENAL CODE 487M, nothing will change. The concept of the "worker protection team" is nothing new and has been the brainchild of other government agencies (throughout the country) that jails these crooks on top of the fines. Wage theft is a crime punishable with jail time. LA's DA's office is doing it...why not SF?
SOLUTIONS to Bring Back Businesses/Revitalize Businesses
I have two solutions for bringing businesses into downtown, Chinatown and other areas of District 3.
1. by offering the STEM/TECH businesses an opportunity for a 20% payroll tax break.
2. Giving small businesses capital with zero interest or pressures of paying back the capital . Bring capital into the city without interest or payback.
There are administrative laws on the books that allow people to give small businesses a huge amount of capital. Follow me on
I will use existing laws to make it happen AND it will cost zero tax payer funds.
99% of small businesses will shut down if they have to wait for their local BOS to write a law so that they can move. In fact, what the BOS has done to small businesses is in direct violation of the Supremacy Clause. No small business should have to wait for new laws to be written so that they can move into an area already zoned for small business (unless it is a strip club or bar or other vice type business which will take longer consideration due to public safety concerns)

SAFE CONSUMPTION SITE - Do away with the Safe Consumption Site/Open Air Drug Market
Is a sorry attempt to reinvent the wheel. Laws already exist to create intermediate care facilities. Those centers will be used to treat people with SUD.
The staff at ICFs are trained licensed nurses that work with safe staff to patient ratios, where a “Safe Consumption Site” is operated by “well intentioned unlicensed staff with no clue on how to help.
Where the government opens up a place for drugs to be used and supervised so they don't overdose…
“Supervised consumption sites provide a safe, clean space for people to bring their own drugs to use, in the presence of trained staff. This prevents accidental overdoses and reduces the spread of infectious diseases, such as HIV.”
The Safe Consumption Site and homeless shelters without additional services for the homeless and drug addicted individual is a waste of money and does nothing but enable and bring more homelessness and problems to the City. We need to send a message to the whole that San Francisco is not the place where you transport their homeless people.
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Paid for by Wendy H Chau for Supervisor 2024. Financial disclosures are available at FPPC #1470166.