Wendy will lead with you in mind!
100% Transparency
100% Accountability
How many San Francisco employees walked past that sleeping person (who is obviously in need of help)? How many SF employees walked past the raw meat for sale on a hot sidewalk?
All San Francisco employees must be held accountable for looking the other way and allowing the above everyday conditions to continue to happen.
Police must wear body cams so that they will be held accountable.
If elected, I will do my best to get 100% transparency and 100% accountability on all SF employees.
Make all employees wear body cams while they are on duty.
Make the BOS directly responsible for the actions of all employees
I will personally wear a body cam and broadcast live on X all my actions, while on duty
Bathroom breaks are the obvious exceptions.
Having this type of transparency and accountability will prevent many violent attacks on our population. This type of transparency will stop the corruption that has plagued SF over the past few years. This type of transparency will stop sexual harassment at the workplace. A transparent government will allow the public to know exactly how and where their taxes are being utilized.
San Francisco currently has over 2000 police officers. San Jose on the other hand has 1,100 officers. The annual budget for SFPD was $696 million in 2020 while the annual budget for SJPD was $444 million.
The issue with the massive crimes in SF is not from lack of funding or lack of officers.
The issue with public safety comes directly from lack of leadership by the BOS.
If elected I will advocate that we end the police commission and make the BOS directly responsible for the actions and inactions of the SFPD and Sheriff’s Dept.
I will advocate for new qualifications on becoming an officer that will have an increased strength requirement. Also, the psychological testing requirements will be raised to a 90% score in order to pass.
Officers who meet the new qualifications will also be mandated to train throughout their career in the SFPD or Sheriff's office in boxing, Muay Thai, BJJ and/or Krav Maga gyms located throughout D3 (obviously the training will come from the annual budget or reimbursed if the officer pays out of pocket).
Lastly, officers will be mandated to engage every person suspected of committing a crime of any type AFTER they have demonstrated a complete command of a “Terry” stop. There will be zero tolerance for crime in SF AND there will be zero tolerance for any officer to violate anyone’s civil rights.
If that does occur, the BOS will be held accountable for all SFPD’s wrongdoings stemming from lack of training.
For those officers that cannot meet the Samson Project requirements, they can work in IA or other desk jobs that do not require direct interactions with the public.
The housing crisis is a product of the BOS. It is time to reverse the damage that the BOS has created.
First step is to acknowledge that the BOS rules and regulations (executed by planning dept etc) are unconstitutional. With that acknowledgment we must move forward.
We move forward by building housing on SanFrancisco owned property only.
The first step is to build 35,000 units for all the government employees. The units will consist of 1bd/1ba 650 sqft that rent for $500, 2bd/2ba 850 sqft units that rent for $1000 and 3/bd/2ba 1100 sq ft units that will rent for $1500.
There will be a new mandate that if you work for the city and county of San Francisco, you must live in San Francisco. No more clogging up the freeways when you should be living in the city you serve. Soooooo, all the teachers, nurses, bus drivers, street sweepers etc, will now be able to afford to live in San Francisco.
Here is an example: The Randall Museum is owned and operated by the city and county of San Francisco. We can build 500 units atop of the museum. Everyone who works nearby can have first rights to live where or close to their jobsite. Teachers and police can easily take public transportation, bike or walk. But we will build a 550 space parking garage.
No permits or studies required because SF, as the general contractor, is exempt from existing laws that are mandated to the private sector.
Funding and costs…Labor for this project will come directly from the existing operational budgets of the DPW and other departments that employ architects, civil engineers and construction workers.
Materials will be bought from out of state from stores in Wyoming or Montana or any state where the materials are literally 1/20th of the costs of San Francisco buys their materials. The BOS must directly approve these purchases to ensure the best materials at the best prices have been secured.
Next project will be to build 55,000 units for seniors and persons who are disabled under ADA laws. These units will be 1bd/1ba 450 sq ft units that will rent for $350 a month and 2bd/2ba 600 sq ft units that will rent for $600 a month. Retired San Francisco employees may also live in these units.
San Francisco will be a city where you can spend your entire career working for SF and retire in style in the city you loved and served, Every senior and disabled person covered by the ADA deserves to live their entire lives in San Francisco and not worry about being a victim of gentrification.
Out of the 34,000+ employees working for San Francisco, it is very likely that 500 of them know how to do construction work. I’m quite sure that we have enough engineers and architects to make this happen as well. In fact,SF will be home to the greatest construction company in America.
With everyone wearing body cameras, their job will get done correctly. And if something goes wrong, we’ll be able to see who is responsible and take the appropriate action to remedy the situation.
With the senior, ADA and employee housing built, the SROs can go back into being hotels.
Workforce Body Cam
PUBLIC SAFETY - The Samson Project
Housing Crisis
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Paid for by Wendy H Chau for Supervisor 2024. Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org. FPPC #1470166.